Yesterday I actually went to biology class (*gasp!), and it's lucky I did since the professor happened to say the single most useful thing he's said all semester:
"Do as many different things as you can, because they're all neat."
It's so simple, and yet it's so true, ne?
I just googled myself, and I don't show up anywhere. Which is nice.
Today I have French class, then work. I haven't missed a french class yet, so I am seriously considering not going in, since I've already given my presentation....but I will probably go anyway just because I am like that.
Spanish class, on the other hand, is another story. Given the opportunity, I would skip it in a heartbeat. I absolutely deteste it (Yo la detesto!) and I get absolutely nothing from being in that class. Except annoyed. I do get annoyed.
Last night as I was leaving said class, I overheard two of the more irritating classmates discussing their trust funds and how they have to wait unti they're 21 to have full access to them. One of them mentioned that he got full access to $30,000 of his trust fund when he turned 18.
And then I thought to myself, "$30,000? I don't have 30,000 of anything except brain cells simultaneously screaming in annoyance at how unbalanced life is.
But then I remembered some things and I laughed out loud and so did those 30,000 screaming brain cells. Because the way life works is so hilarious. How can you not laugh?
Right now I am listening to "Charm Attack", Leona Naess
and am feeling